Tuesday, June 7, 2011


 Analog meter.Three disadvantages compered to the Digital meter

A digital meter has a finite number of digits it can display

A digital meter is usually better because its resistance is much higher

Digital multimeters can solve most electrical problems - at the hands of a qualified electrical test profession. In fact, With a good wiring diagram and a good meter, a trained electrical professional can find the cause of almost any problem.

You can drop a digital meter.

Didital meter. Three disadvantages compered to the Analog meter

Analog has an infinite number of positions it can lay on the scale.

Switched range analog multimeters are very cheap but are difficult for beginners to read accurately, especially on resistance scales.

Analog multimeters can be used to find electronic and electrical short circuit problems.

Doesnt have batteries 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

World cup spreed sheet



Asbestos where can you find it ??

You can find it in old houses made in the 1930-1950s

You can find it in Artificial ashes

You can find it in oil and coal furnaces

You can find it in hot water pipes and steam pipes in older houses.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What i have learnt past week.

have learnt about fires and how to put them out in health and safety also how to find an angle with a triangle also how to find an unkown side.

pythogoras theorem

To find out what C is you must use a simple equation which is A2+B2=C2

If A is 25 and b is 46 it would be 25squared+46squared=2741

Then you would spuare root 2741=52.35

C= 52.35

steps to solving unknown angle

 label your triangle

estimate your answer

To find angle b first figure out what fuction you want to use in this case SIN

Now insert known dimensions (use inverse sin)  sin 10 divided by 19= 37.75degrees.

si units table

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brochure doc

Here is my brochure

dangerous scaffolding.

Very dangerous scaffolding not following the rule 3 to 1. Can tell that it is not stable at all.

dangerous ladder.

This is a very dangerous situation. This ladder will be very unstable and at any time and point could just collapse.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hazard Identification

Hazard identification is spotting or finding a hazard and either Eliminating, Minimising or Isolating that hazard.
So that nobody gets hurt.

Ohms law

ohms law

the current in a cicuit is proportional to voltage and inversonly proportional to resistance

this means when the resistance is high the voltage is low and when the voltage is high the resistance is low.

Electrical Engineering

Have just created my first Blog.